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"There were Northmen, from Norway, who steered westward through
mist and storm to an unknown land, where, behind ice and snow, they found plants
and green meadows, and bushes with blue-black grapes- sloe bushes. The grapes
were ripened by the frost just as we are. And they called the land 'wine-land,'
that is, 'Groenland,' or 'Sloeland.'" "That is quite a romantic story," said the
young man. "Yes, certainly. But now come with me," said the wise woman, and she
led him to the bee-hive.
"Yes, certainly. But now come with me," said
the wise woman, and she led him to the bee-hive. He looked into it. What life
and labor! There were bees standing in all the passages, waving their wings, so
that a wholesome draught of air might blow through the great manufactory; that
was their business. Then there came in bees from without, who had been born with
little baskets on their feet; they brought flower-dust, which was poured out,
sorted, and manufactured into honey and wax.
They flew in and out. The
queen-bee wanted to fly out, but then all the other bees must have gone with
her. It was not yet the time for that, but still she wanted to fly out; so the
others bit off her majesty's wings, and she had to stay where she was. "Now get
upon the earth bank," said the wise woman. "Come and look out over the highway,
where you can see the people." "What a crowd it is!" said the young man. "One
story after another. It whirls and whirls! It's quite a confusion before my
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aiyann le dimanche 20 mars 2011
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